Issue One - May, 2006
Welcome to ExtraQuest’s new ezine, DataBuzz. It is designed to give you tools to leverage your success. In this monthly ezine, we share our knowledge and expertise about linking database administration with business strategy to improve operational maturity. 

Crash, bang, wallop. You are in the middle of a restore. Your database crashes. Your adrenalin rises and your heart starts pumping. You apply the fix you did last week and everything calms down. The user stops complaining …. until next time.

Chief Architect , Venkat Devraj, shares his expertise:

Venkat, "what is the one thing you can give me to get me the biggest cost savings?"
"Hah, that’s easy, my friend:automation ..."

After the fire, all was calm ... and smokey. But co-founder Rainier Luistro's vision cut through the smoke. ExtraQuest was born and RoboDOC set about rescuing companies ...
Too few cooks in the kitchen? Brian Staff shows how the DBA market can learn from the restaurant market.
Digital Reliance, a premium provider of wireless account management services, needed a better way to optimally manage its mission-critical Oracle 8i database in a highly secure environment. They chose ExtraQuest. In return, they realized savings of $190,000 (more than 75 percent). 

We invite you to join us for a
breakfast buffet seminar at our new downtown location:

1670 Broadway, Suite 2900,
Denver, CO 80202.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
8 a.m. to 10 a.m.

More information at our


"Extraquest's clients state they typically experience database administration cost savings
of 30 to 60% - a remarkable and
encouraging statistic."
Dr. Claudia Imhoff, President,
Intelligent Solutions, Inc.
The buzz on linking
database administration with
business strategy.
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